Responsive Website Design and Development For Construction Management Design Firm

Project6 Design, a San Francisco Bay Area web design company, is excited to announce the launch of a dynamic, responsive website for Vaughn Construction.

Responsive Website Design and Development For Construction Management Design Firm

Based in Houston, TX, Vaughn offers the rare combination of a traditional general contractor plus sophisticated construction management. Their process-driven and results-focused approach allows them to deliver the best quality at the best value.

During the brand discovery process, Vaughn stakeholders were drawn to edgier design elements that pushed the envelope for construction industry sites. So Project6 provided striking design options, underscoring Vaughn’s main brand statements with ongoing full-screen, background video, bold typography, a portfolio slideshow, and oversized fieldwork images.

Web Design Vaughn Construction

Project6 built the Vaughn site on the .net platform, using Sitefinity to drive its content management system component. The paramount development challenge was balancing the big brand feel with the flexibility needed for responsive design. The site sizes down seamlessly to accommodate a tablet screen, and translates onto a smartphone. Main page video clips are served from YouTube to prevent server issues.

Responsive Design Vaughn Construction

“Vaughn executives saw a site designed by Project6 and sought out our services,” said Project6 Design Founder and President, Esten Sesto. “There’s no greater compliment than that. We were pleased to extend the integrity of the Vaughn brand to the Web, tablets, and smartphones.”

Responsive website design

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